Boarding: $35 per dog per night +$10 on holidays

Daycare: $25 per dog per day +$10 on holidays

Book Now

  1. Checkout our FAQ

  2. Review our service release below

  3. Call 385-323-2331, email, or chat to schedule it; or book online here.

Our service release

I fully understand that there are inherent risks involved with bringing my pet into any daycare/boarding/grooming facility. I accept the inherent risks involved.

I understand that my pet may catch a number of illnesses from other pets during their stay. “Kennel Cough” is a very loose term used to describe colds, coughs, flus etc. I understand that Paws-itive Results LLC takes several steps to help minimize the spread of “kennel cough” and other illnesses and is not liable or responsible for any illness or injury that may occur to my pet while in their care. I agree that I am responsible for any vet bills that result from illnesses.

I agree that Paws-itive Results LLC is not responsible for loss or damage to items left with my pet, and that all items brought into the facility will be marked with permanent ink.

I acknowledge that dogs will be dogs, and may rough play, scratch, bite and even fight with each other. Paws-itive Results LLC takes every precaution to prevent such behavior and any injury. I agree that I am responsible for my own pets’ actions and behavior and any vet bills that result from injury to my own dog.

I understand that Paws-itive Results LLC is not responsible for the actions of the pets left in their care.

I understand that if my dog shows any signs of aggression or illness, that my dog will be separated from the other dogs in the yard and I will be notified of their actions.

I agree to allow Paws-itive Results LLC to obtain medical treatment for my dog if it appears that my pet is ill, injured, or exhibits any other behavior that would cause my pet to need medical treatment. I agree that I am fully responsible for the cost of any such medical treatment, and for the cost of any transportation for the purposes of such treatment provided to my pet.

I will always keep my pets on a leash while entering or exiting the house or while my pet is on the property.

I have submitted in writing all special instructions (feeding, special diets, allergies, meds, etc.) and any physical or medical limitations including but not limited to allergies, behavior, anxiety, fear, or aggression issues.

I understand the extended care policy: if daycare is more than 12 hours, it becomes boarding. If boarding pick-up time is more than 4 hours later than the previous day's drop-off time, the cost of daycare will be added.